Friday, September 12, 2008


I know. I haven't posted in a while. I warned people that would happen. I wasn't joking.

I have a few journals I post to more frequently than this one. Part of that is ease of use, since I've got nice little plugins and apps, so I don't have to screw around with logins nearly as much. In this case, the fact that I'm usually logged in with a different account figures heavily into why I don't bother. It just doesn't help that I have to play weird games just to be able to read email and post here. So, it might "change hands" relatively soon. Good times.

Still that might not help. What can I say? I generally don't have a lot to say. Unless I do -- then I say a lot. Since I don't particularly have much of a "topic" going here, I don't necessarily see myself looking up more topical material for posts. It's also not a functional journal, so there's no reason to ramble on about the things that relate to the functional aspect of the journal.

However, I might have some things to rant or weigh in on, which will find it's way here. Maybe. One thing that's been coming up in my life frequently lately are matters of cultural identity. Maybe I can use this journal to hash some of that out. Then again, maybe I won't. Oops?

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